Need help building your race?

We’d love to help you at no charge.

From team and policy building to course mapping and logistics, we’d here to be your sounding board and share the insight we’ve learned along the way.

Why are we helping people for free? Because many people gave us a hand up and we want to see the sport of ultra racing continue to grow in the right direction - which means more inclusive and quality races for everyone!

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With more than a decade of experience in product development, food safety, project management and supply chain, Kelsey is a master of problem solving and logistics. In her time as a product developer, she specialized in national product launches and innovation, learning human centered design techniques from the experts at IDEO.

She’d love to help you with:

  • Resourcing + logistics

  • Risk mitigation

  • Aid station planning

  • Food safety

  • DEI policy building + implementation

  • Culture creation



A numbers man, Caleb has a background in finance and statistics that he puts to serious use making sure the race toes the right line. He’s got a fine fine eye for detail.

He can help you with:

  • Course design

  • Value based planning and organizing

  • Permitting

  • Race regulations + cut offs

  • Logistics

  • Volunteer recruitment


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